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Gut Garden
The health of our gut is pivotal to our general well-being, however, we can often neglect it to our peril. Our gut is subjected to a tirade of abuse every day. Processed foods, fried food, artificial additives and added sugar put a strain on our gut health. Stress, eating on the go, and a constant food supply add further insult to injury.
An unhealthy gut can manifest in skin conditions, hormone changes, unexplained weight loss or weight gain, poor immunity, fatigue, sleep disturbances, a change in mood or brain fog, anxiety and depression along with a myriad of symptoms, including indigestion, reflux, excessive gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, and stomach pain or discomfort. If your gut is out of balance, the rest of you will feel out of balance, too.
Our microbiome is at the heart of our gut, a unique and diverse garden of micro-organisms pivotal to our health. It is important to look after it by fertilising the “good” bacteria and weeding out the “bad” bacteria.

Eating nutrient-dense food
Eating nutrient-dense food will encourage the good bacteria to thrive, and avoiding or reducing the intake of processed food, sugar, and alcohol, along with simple carbohydrates such as white bread, cakes, and pastries, will starve and weed out the bad bacteria.
In addition to food intake, there are other things we can do to support our microbiome. Sleep allows our digestive system to rest, and our gut microbes respond to our circadian rhythm. If you are struggling with your sleep, then ensure you are practising ‘good sleep hygiene’ leading up to the time you go to bed. More can be read about this in the blog “A Good Night’s Sleep”.
Our environment is vital to our microbiome, with nature having a protective effect. When you can, venture into the countryside or walk in your local woodland or park. Surround yourself with green space and soak up nature’s goodness.
Antibiotics, food poisoning, or gastrointestinal bugs can compromise the diversity of your gut microbiome and cause an imbalance between the good and bad bacteria. It is often a good idea to supplement with a probiotic during these times and for a few weeks afterwards; however, please consult your Doctor first before taking any supplement if you are critically ill or suffering from illness or disease.
With a healthy gut, you will feel emotionally balanced, your skin will glow, and your bowel movements will be regular and pain-free. Bloating, cramps, diarrhoea and constipation will become a thing of the past.